Friday, June 28, 2013

Should the Iron Spider-Man Armor Return?

Spider-Man got rid of the Iron Spider costume long time ago. I liked this costume so I kept thinking whether it should somehow return in the future, similar to how the alien costume returned as Venom. What do you think? And if you think it should somehow be used again, how?

Here are my ideas about some possibilities...

1. A new villain gets his hands on the Iron Spider costume, and becomes a recurring villain. It's worked in the past (Venom) although I don't see it working as well. You could use it to drum up interest in a new villain, and then kill him.

2. An old villain gets his hands on the Iron Spider Suit, perhaps someone with mechanical/ electric talents (Spider Slayers, Electro, any of the Goblins, etc.)

3. New superhero, perhaps someone in Iron Man's employ, a SHIELD agent, a Slinger, a Young Avenger, or a clone. It could work well as a mystery, and could increase interest in whatever book the new guy stars in.

Whatever happens, I hope it's good.

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