Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Thought on Amazing Spider-Man 3 And 4?

Amazing Spider-Man 2 newly released the new amazing spider-man costume and Electro costume. I cannot keep saying how perfect the Spider-Man suit is now. Looks amazing from all angles, especially when he’s clinging to the wall. Still iffy about Electro though, it’ll come down to Foxx’s performance to determine whether I like him or not.
If Sony is planning four movies, the question is… will the sinister six storyline culminate with part 3, or 4?
And… where does the Venom/Carnage story fit into the plan?
In part 1 we have the origin and the gene-splicing science established to create all the villains needed… and the mastermind Norman Osborn revealed as the presence behind the events unfolding.
so we have two of the Ultimate Sinister six introduced: 1) Green Goblin and 2) Lizard/Conners
Now it’s seems in Amazing Spidey 2 we have at least another two sinister six members 3) electro and 4) Rhino
So that leaves Sony 2 films to complete the Sinister 6 story AND the Venom symbiote story.
It’s my guess Venom will be part 3 and replace Doc Ock (his previous alfred molina incarnation was awesome and too close to memory) when the ultimate Sinister 6 forms in part 4, led by a new green goblin and his hunter Kraven.
I’d prefer Venom was in a solo fourth film however, and the “6” were wrapped up by film 3.

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